Tap Timers - Automated Garden Watering - Holman Industries

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Watering any garden is simpler than ever with our range of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth® and Manual Tap Timers.

Smart watering just stepped up a level with our WX1 or WX2 Tap Timer and Wi-Fi Hub. Powered through Holman Home, the new Wi-Fi Hub allows you to connect up to 4 x WX Tap Timers and have access from anywhere in the world. Pair with our Smart Moisture Sensor for the ultimate water-wise garden – proven and tested with Smart Approved WaterMark.

For the ultimate in home irrigation control, look no further than the range of Smart Tap Timers powered by Bluetooth® and our iGardener™ app, available for iOS and Android.

Specialised watering tasks can be easily resolved with our range of electronic Digital and 2 Dial Tap Timers.

Our essential range of Mechanical Tap Timers with a traditional timer setup are perfect for day-to-day watering from standard tap outlets.


WX2 Tap Timer and Wi-Fi Hub White works with


Holman Home Smartphone App

Integrate Wi-Fi into your watering and take control from anywhere with Holman Home. The WX1/WX2 Tap Timer and Wi-Fi Hub is built for Holman Home. Upgrade to the latest smart technology, available on Google Play and the App Store.

Required for Wi-Fi Watering:

WX2 Tap Timer and Wi-Fi Hub Grey

  • Turn one tap into two
  • Manual and automatic ON/OFF options
  • 3 start times per zone with individual day selection
  • Run times of 1 minute up to 11h 59 minutes
  • Wi-Fi Control with Holman Home available on the App Store and Google Play
  • Schedule power to the Wi-Fi Hub Socket from your smartphone
  • Pair 1x Smart Moisture Sensor per Zone/Outlet (check model here)

Required for Wi-Fi Watering:

WX1 Tap Timer and Wi-Fi Hub Grey

  • Track water flow and water usage
  • Manual and automatic ON/OFF options
  • Schedule up to 3 different start times
  • Run times of 1 minute up to 11h 59 minutes
  • Wi-Fi Control with Holman Home available on the App Store and Google Play
  • Schedule power to the Wi-Fi Hub Socket from your smartphone
  • Pairs with Smart Moisture Sensors (check model here)

Expand your watering:

WX1 Tap TImer

  • Connects directly to your WX1 or WX2 Wi-Fi Hub.
  • Manual and automatic ON/OFF options
  • Schedule up to 3 different start times
  • Run times of 1 minute up to 11h 59 minutes
  • Includes Misting Timer function
  • Tracks water flow and water usage
  • Pairs with Smart Moisture Sensors (check model here)

Pair with:

  • Connects directly to your WX1 or WX2 Tap Timer
  • Sends soil moisture and temperature data to WX1 or WX2 Tap Timer
  • Reduce water usage with 5 x levels of adjustable moisture sensitivity

Water restriction friendly with multiple day selection options


Connect and manage
devices from your smartphone


Take watering to the next level from your smartphone with Bluetooth® technology.

Easy to use solution for watering pots, hanging baskets, shrub areas, flower beds and small lawns.

Fits to a standard garden tap and times the water flow to any garden hose or watering system connected.

ProductConnectivityStart timesMax run time (min)ZonesInterval wateringOperating pressure (kPa)Flow rate (L/min)
CO00012 Hour Tap TimerN/A11201N/A600
CO0003EzyGrip Tap TimerN/A11201N/A600
CO0013EzyGrip Dual Outlet Tap TimerN/A21202N/A600
CO16012 Dial Tap TimerN/A424016 & 12 hrs or 1-7 days100 - 6001 - 32
CO1603Low Pressure Tap TimerN/AInterval12011-12hrs or 1-7 days600
CO1605Automatic Digital Tap TimerN/A477911-7 days100 - 6001 - 32
CO1609Misting Tap TimerN/AInterval77915-59 sec, 1-59 min and 1-12hrs100 - 6001 - 36
CO3111BX1 Bluetooth Tap TimerBluetooth3143911-7 days30 - 12001 - 35
CO3112BX2 Dual Outlet Bluetooth Tap TimerBluetooth3143921-7 days30 - 12001 - 35
CO3114BX4 4x Outlet Bluetooth Tap TimerBluetooth3143941-7 days30 - 12001 - 35
CO6002QuikDial Dual Outlet Tap TimerN/A1 (sequential)3021-12hrs or 1-7 days30 - 120025
CO6004QuikDial 4x Outlet Tap TimerN/A1 (sequential)3041-12hrs or 1-7 days30 - 120025
WX1TH / WX1TTWX1 Wi-Fi Tap TimerWi-Fi37191N/A30 - 12001 - 35
WX2THWX2 Dual Outlet Wi-Fi Tap TimerWi-Fi37192N/A50 – 8001 - 25

Tap Timer Videos

For more instructional videos and tutorials, check out our YouTube Channel.

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