Drip Irrigation - Create your own Drip Irrigation System - Holman Industries

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Our range of Drip Irrigation products including Poly Pipe, Flex Tube, Drip Tube and Micro Fittings allow you to create a customised irrigation system for your garden.

Now you can efficiently water your pots, garden beds, planters and more!

Poly Pipe

Our premium Poly Pipe is recommended for use when setting up spray systems, drip systems and sprinkler systems. Our Poly is low density and suitable for above and below ground application.

Drip Tube

Drip Tube is used to supply precise amounts of water to lawn and garden areas. Already installed with pressure compensating drippers, it can be installed on the surface or covered with mulch to irrigate garden areas.

Flex Tube & Rigid Riser Tube

Flex Tube is ideal for ponds, water feature pumps, low pressure applications and hydroponics. Super flexible with a high kink resistance and UV stabilised.

Our 4mm Flex Tube is ideal for connecting Drip Irrigation. The flexible PVC material provides a strong, reliable grip onto any sharp 4mm barbed fitting.

Riser tube is used vertically up an irrigation stake to mount either a micro jet or micro spray. Must be used with a 4mm threaded fitting.

Create your own DIY Drip Irrigation System

For more Drip Irrigation videos, tutorials and information, check out our YouTube Channel.

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