Edit, Disable/Enable, Reorder or Delete and Review Logs for your Scenes

Edit your Scenes
It is possible to edit both Automation and Tap-to-Run scenes.

To edit the scene, press on the > or circle in the top right hand corner of the scene
Scene screens

From the Edit screen it is possible to modify the scene: Remember to press Save to update your scene modifications.

Edit scene screens

Disable/Enable your Scenes
Scene Automation screen

Reorder or Delete your Scenes
From either the Automation and Tap-to-Run screen choose the ... at the top right hand side and then choose Manage.
Scene Automation screen

Scene Automation screen

Review the Logs of your Scenes
From either the Automation and Tap-to-Run screen choose the ... at the top right hand side and then choose Logs.
Scene Automation screen

It is possible to: Note: Log information is stored for up to 7 days.

Logs screen

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Last updated : 15 June 2022